If you have XTZ in your Tezos wallet, follow these steps to convert it to USDC:
Step 1 - Move XTZ to Etherlink
Visit the Etherlink Bridge
Connect your Tezos wallet and Etherlink wallet
Enter the amount of XTZ to bridge
Click 'Move funds to Etherlink' to complete the transfer
Step 2 - Swap Etherlink XTZ to USDC
Visit IguanaDex
Connect your Etherlink wallet (used in Step 1)
Select XTZ as the first token and USDC as the second token
Enter the amount to swap and confirm the transaction
Once complete, your USDC balance will appear in your Etherlink wallet
Step 3 - View USDC balance on uranium.io
Log into your account on uranium.io
Your updated USDC balance will reflect on the dashboard!